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LED screen for stage

The use of rented LED screens has become widespread, especially when it comes to the need for bright and dynamic transmission of visual information during a concert, theater performance or other spectacular event. At the same time, for the most successful event, it is important to organize the choice of screen correctly. To do this, it is necessary to determine in advance not only the specific purposes of renting LED screens for events, but also to take into account the design features of various modules.

LED screen for the stage. What goals can rental help achieve?

Renting LED screens for events is often used to provide viewers with a large image of what is happening on stage: a musician performing at a concert, a host or participant in a conference, an author of a master class or an individual member of a sports team. In addition, information about subsequent events of the organizer, as well as advertising or a presentation of the event partners can be displayed on the LED screen directly during the event or its intermission.

If you are planning to create a large-scale performance from a regular concert, play, exhibition or conference, then renting LED screens will easily help you to show individual parts of the production that are not related to what is happening on stage. In addition, renting LED screens for events is a great way to create “live” decorations and simply beautiful stage design. For musical events, this type of equipment can easily replace complex color music systems, and in the case of official events, it can emphasize the prestige of the organization.

What types of LED screens are suitable for events?

If you are planning to make the event highly original and memorable, then we recommend renting a flexible LED screen. Renting such a screen allows you to present an image on a structure that will conceptually best suit it – bend at the desired angle, or line up in a circle of the required radius.

If you are especially concerned about the time that you plan to spend on organizing the event or you plan to organize mobile advertising, then renting a mobile LED screen is perfect for you. The mobility of LED screens is explained by their lightness and ease of assembly and operation, which is especially noticeable when professionals take on the matter.

Indoor events often raise separate questions, when it is planned that the potential viewer will be at an extremely short distance from the LED screen. In this case, we usually advise renting equipment with a minimum pixel pitch and maximum resolution, that is, a LED screen led p3.

Renting such a screen will allow you to visualize and convey the desired information to the event visitor most effectively, and the clarity of the image will literally rivet the views of visitors for the entire duration of the concert, conference or sports event. Note that if you are the owner of a concert venue or a regular organizer of large events, then the best solution and serious investment would be to buy an LED screen for the stage for the purpose of constant use.

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