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How is plasma different from LCD TV?

When we are faced with the question of which technology option to choose for a particular event, we cannot always confidently make the right choice. The thing is that in most cases, each of us is simply not savvy enough in this matter, does not know the technical characteristics of the equipment and, let’s say more, may have no idea at all how plasma differs from an LCD TV. What to do? You can search through many sites, write down indicators on a piece of paper, make a comparative description of the equipment… We presented the main differences between the equipment being compared, and with confidence whether you need to rent a plasma for your event or an LCD TV.

Color quality

Do you want to enjoy the most juicy and vibrant picture? Then your choice is plasma. This equipment is capable of reproducing a greater number of colors than an LCD TV. In addition, the latter has one design feature that makes it impossible to obtain deep black pixels. This feature is a backlight located on the screen behind the image. Unfortunately, it cannot be completely disabled.

Viewing angle

A very important indicator that will provide the viewer with the opportunity to view high-quality images from different sides of the equipment. This figure for plasma is significantly higher. Therefore, when ordering the plasma rental service 60, you will enjoy a clear and bright picture, even without being strictly in the center of the television screen.

Electricity consumption

It is unlikely that there are people on our planet who, by renting inexpensive equipment, will agree to pay a lot of money for the electricity it consumes. To be fair, it must be said that LCD TVs consume significantly less electricity than plasma TVs. However, the electricity consumption of plasma is not so high that its use will have an unpleasant impact on the tenant’s pocket.

To summarize the above, we can conclude that when choosing between plasma and LCD TV, it is better to opt for plasma. Renting a plasma 60 is more expensive and you will have to pay more for electricity, but for this money you will get an excellent picture and more opportunities. If you are interested in a more budget-friendly option, then an LCD TV is perfect for you.

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