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Plasma or LCD: help in choosing

Weighing the advantages of different types of screens before buying a TV, people are looking for an answer to the question: which technology to give preference to – liquid crystals or plasma? It turns out that there is no single answer. The choice must be made based on the conditions in which the buyer plans to use the device, the needs of the user. That is why it is necessary to know the advantages of liquid crystal and plasma technologies. The Profigroup company offers modern liquid crystal (LCD) and plasma panels for rent and hire.

The principle of operation of an LCD screen

An LCD TV works like this: an electric current forces liquid crystal molecules to move in space. The plane of polarization of light will be delayed or pass through the liquid crystal matrix, numerous pixels consisting of three subpixels of blue, red and green will become visible. Light enters the light filter through blinds, a layer of liquid crystals. As a result, a color image is obtained on the LCD TV screen.

How a Plasma Screen Works

Plasma differs from LCD in that each of the color pixels consists of 3 microlamps filled with ionized gas. An electrode under voltage is connected to the microlamps, a kind of flask with gas. Receiving an electric discharge, plasma generates ultraviolet radiation, which makes the phosphor that covers the pixels glow. The higher the voltage level, the brighter the glow of each cell. Three primary colors: red, blue and green, form any shades.

Analyzing: which is better?

Plasma screens are technologically limited – they are not less than 32 inches. More often, their average parameter is from 42 inches and more. LCD screens vary from the size of a wristwatch to 100 inches. The most popular screens are up to 60 inches. So, the difference is in the diagonals. When choosing by the screen diagonal parameter, you should proceed from the size of the room in which the TV will be located.

An LCD screen looks ridiculous in a huge auditorium, as does a huge plasma in a small room. By the way, if large TVs are needed for an exhibition, holiday, concert, or other event, perhaps the best option would be to rent a plasma panel rather than buy one. If you need to professionally decorate an event where you need to impress others, renting a plasma panel will undoubtedly help out.

The average popular screen diagonal sizes for both types of TVs are 40-60 inches. A plasma screen for a home theater looks great in a large room. The elegant design of plasma panels is pleasing to the eye. The plasma panel should be of a reasonable size and fit organically into the interior. A small room will look more harmonious with an LCD display, since a plasma TV emits heat and the cooling fans make some noise.

The most distinctive feature of plasma is its improved parameters, compared to LCD screens, contrast and color rendering, due to a better black level. But the undeniable advantage of an LCD TV is its high brightness, especially with LED backlighting, which makes viewing images comfortable, even in strong outdoor lighting. A plasma turned on next to an LCD screen in a store looks worse than one turned on in an apartment, precisely because of the strong lighting in the room.

Plasma TVs have a better viewing angle than LCD screens, and viewing dynamic scenes is much more comfortable. Having received LED backlighting, LCD screens have caught up with plasma screens in quality, but the price remains quite high. Modern TV models are designed so that pixels practically do not burn out.

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