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Where are LED screens used?

Have you ever wondered how dull and gray our cities would be without street video broadcasts, moving advertising in transport, etc. LED screens allow us to add bright colors to our lives.

LED screens are a modern modular design designed for playing video content using high-power LEDs. This design is widely used in everyday life in the process of creating various advertising surfaces. However, this is far from the only area of application of this technology. Where else are LED screens used and for what purposes are they used? Let’s find out.

LED screens for stage

LED screens are widely used during concerts of various singers and other entertainment representatives. Thanks to this design, viewers have the opportunity to watch the idol on stage even from a great distance. LED screen rental for the stage can be of various sizes, depending on how many spectators will be present at the event. If the concert will be held indoors, such as a concert hall or nightclub, a small screen is sufficient; if the performance is planned to be held in a stadium, then huge LED screens will be installed.

LED screens for airports, railway and bus stations

Printed timetables for planes, buses and trains have long since sunk into oblivion. Today, even the smallest towns can boast of schedules displayed on an LED screen. Such information is well read and easily perceived by the audience. Due to the fact that letters and numbers are large, information can be read from a great distance.

LED screens for outdoor advertising

As we have already said, the advertising industry is the largest user of LED structures. The majority of LED panels, as well as LED screens for rental stages, are used for broadcasting video materials and commercials. On those streets where there is low traffic of pedestrians and drivers, screens are used on which advertising banners are displayed.

LED screens can be found in catering establishments, cinemas, large enterprises and shopping centers. They can carry an informative load, or they can be an element of the decor of the establishment. And whatever one may say, without these modern technologies it is already difficult to imagine our life.

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